Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Heart Attack For Valentine's Day!

Want to give someone you love an unforgettable Valentine’s gift? How about a HEART ATTACK?!

Exactly 10 years ago, I was in the middle of chemo treatments and surgeries for breast cancer. A group of teenage girls from church gave me a Heart Attack for Valentine’s Day. They very quietly “attacked” our house, plastering the front door and walls around the door with hearts full of sweet Valentine’s messages. I'm still amazed that I didn't hear the giggling and shhhh's that were going on as I sat in the living room on the other side of the door.

When the doorbell rang. I wasn't expecting anyone, but it was not completely unusual for a friend to drop by to check on how I was doing and drop off a treat. As I opened the door I saw that it was plastered with hearts. I looked to see who was there...no one! Where a visitor would be standing was a plate of heart cookies. I looked up and saw that the walls of the house were covered in hearts as well.

I just stood there and cried. (In my defense, chemo does a number on your emotions.) But honestly, it was just the sweetest gesture of love from these wonderful young women.

 Sample of Hearts
I wish that I had thought enough to take pictures of the house, but I didn't. But I did keep every single heart that attacked our home. There were hearts of all size, from the size of a full sheet of paper to as small as the end of my finger. There were a variety of shapes; some were carefully measured and drawn, others roughly cut by hand. Some had words written on them, others were plain. One was even glued together to resemble the head of a puppy.
I'll never forget that act of love from someone who cared. It's the best HEART ATTACK I could receive!!

This post is in honor of Rachel (@ccchronicles) and Susan (@whymommy) who both lost their battle with breast cancer yesterday, Feb 6th, 2012. You are remembered.

Question: What act of kindness has someone given you that would be great to pay forward?


  1. This is a good Heart Attack to have!!! So sorry for the loss of your friends, never a good thing. Eric

  2. I agree Eric. Definitely one to pay forward.


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